Sunday, September 23, 2012

Boise State Now #20 in Unofficial BCS Standings, Week Four

Once again, the Unofficial BCS Standings contain the Coaches Poll Percentages, the AP Poll Percentages, and the Sagarin and Billingsley comuter ratings.  The Harris Poll, used in the official BCS Rankings, has not been released yet, but history has shown that the AP is a good approximation of the Harris.  The Massey and Colley ratings have begun, but their methodology is such that it isn't an accurate reflection of the ratings until several weeks into the season.

1.    Alabama 99.86% + 99.93% +((24 + 25)*2 =) 100.00 = 297.79
2.    Oregon 92.95% + 94.27% + ((21 + 23)*2 =) 86.00 = 273.22
3.    LSU 92.27% + 89.73% + ((20 + 24)*2 =) 88.00 = 270.00
4.    Florida State 88.54% + 89.33% + (17 + 12)*2 =) 58.00 = 235.87
5.    Georgia 82.98% + 83.00% + ((18 + 15)*2 =) 66.00 = 231.98
6.    South Carolina 77.90% + 76.47% + ((16 + 19)*2 =) 70.00 = 224.37
7.    Stanford 62.64% + 70.33% + ((22 + 22)*2 =) 88.00 = 220.97
8.    Kansas State 64.34% + 71.13% + ((19 + 20)*2 =) 78.00 = 213.47
9.    Notre Dame 56.68% + 66.87% + ((23 + 21)*2 = 88.00 = 211.55
10.  Florida 55.39% + 57.60% + ((25 + 5)*2 =) 60.00 = 172.99
11.  USC 55.12% + 53.40% + ((9 + 18)*2 =) 54.00 = 162.52
12.  West Virginia 67.80% + 69.67% + ((2 + 6)*2 =) 24.00 = 161.47
13.  Texas 56.68% + 57.07% + ((15 + 0)*2 =) 30.00 = 143.75
14.  Oklahoma 47.39% + 40.73% + ((12 + 13)*2 =) 50.00 = 138.12
15.  TCU 47.80% + 41.07% + ((10 + 11)*2 =) 42.00 = 130.87
16.  Michigan State 27.39% + 23.20% + ((14 + 17)*2 =) 62.00 = 112.59
17.  Clemson 37.97% + 39.20% + ((7 + 8)*2 =) 30.00 = 107.17
18.  Oregon State 14.92% + 30.07% + ((13 + 9)*2 =) 44.00 = 88.99
19.  Louisville 33.42% + 27.60% + ((0 + 0)*2 =) 0.00 = 61.02
20.  Boise State 4.68% + 7.60% + ((8 + 16)*2 =) 48.00 = 60.28
21.  Baylor 6.85% + 6.13% + ((0 + 14)*2 =) 28.00 = 40.98
22.  Mississippi State 23.66% + 16.40% + ((0 + 0)*2 =) 0.00 = 40.06
23.  Rutgers 6.64% + 8.53% + ((5 + 7)*2 =) 24.00 = 39.17
24.  Wisconsin 6.92% + 8.67% + ((11 + 0)*2 =) 22.00 = 37.59
25.  Nebraska 22.10% + 11.93% + ((0 + 0)*2 =) 0.00 = 34.03

26.  Michigan 3.86% + 2.83% + ((0 + 10)*2 =) 20.00 = 26.69
27.  Oklahoma State 10.44% + .80% + ((1 + 3)*2 =) 8.00 = 19.24
28.  Arizona 1.08% + 1.13% + ((3 + 4)*2 =) 14.00 = 16.21
29.  Northwestern 6.51% + 5.93% + ((0 + 0)*2 =) 0.00 = 12.44
30.  Virginia Tech 6.64% + 1.73% + ((0 + 0)*2 = 0.00 = 8.47

AP Poll Percentages

Here are the Top 25 teams in terms of percentage of total possible points for the AP Poll:

1.    Alabama 99.93%
2.    Oregon 94.27%
3.    LSU 89.73%
4.    Florida State 89.33%
5.    Georgia 83.00%
6.    South Carolina 76.47%
7.    Kansas State 71.13%
8.    Stanford 70.33%
9.    West Virginia 69.67%
10.  Notre Dame 66.87%
11.  Florida 57.60%
12.  Texas 57.07%
13.  USC 53.40%
14.  Ohio State 42.20%
15.  TCU 41.07%
16.  Oklahoma 40.73%
17.  Clemson 39.20%
18.  Oregon State 30.07%
19.  Louisville 27.60%
20.  Michigan State 23.20%
21.  Mississippi State 16.40%
22.  Nebraska 11.93%
23.  Rutgers 8.53%
24.  Boise State 7.60%
25.  Baylor 6.13%

26.  Northwestern 5.93%
27.  UCLA 5.27%
28.  Michigan 2.83%
29.  Ohio 2.67%
30.  Virginia Tech 1.73%
31.  Arizona 1.13%

Coaches Poll Percentages--Week Four

Here are the Coaches Poll Percentages for college football:

1.    Alabama 99.86%
2.    Oregon 92.95%
3.    LSU 92.27%
4.   Florida State 88.54%
5.    Georgia 82.98%
6.    South Carolina 77.90%
7.    West Virginia 67.80%
8.    Kansas State 64.34%
9.    Stanford 62.64%
10.  Texas 56.68%
11.  Notre Dame 56.68%
12.  Florida 55.39%
13.  USC 55.12%
14.  TCU 47.80%
15.  Oklahoma 47.39%
16.  Clemson 37.97%
17.  Louisville 33.42%
18.  Michigan State 27.39%
19.  Mississippi State 23.66%
20.  Nebraska 22.17%
21.  Oregon State 14.92%
22.  Oklahoma State 10.44%
23.  Wisconsin 6.92%
24.  Baylor 6.85%
25.  Rutgers 6.64%
25.  Virginia Tech 6.64%

26.  Northwestern 6.51%
27.  Boise State 4.68%
28.  Michigan 3.86%
29.  Iowa State 3.05%
30.  Cincinnati 2.85%
31.  UCLA 2.24%